Tutor Squared
We are Bernie and Jane, ex Deputy Head and Head of Maths and last summer left reeling after the sudden closure of our little Hampstead prep school we decided to leave full-time teaching and we launched a new business together called Tutorsquared.
Our goal is to provide a service to both pupils and parents working towards the 11+ exams. Between us we have over 50 years experience teaching in North London independent schools. We know how stressful the journey can be for children and their families. We also know that happy and confident children are more likely to be successful.
With this in mind we have devised an holistic, structured service. Our programme begins in Year 4 with our Foundation course in Maths and English. In Year 5 it extends to include Verbal and Non-verbal Reasoning. We also focus on perfecting exam technique and interview skills. By Year 6 our pupils will have covered the requirements for their 11+ exams.
As parents we realise how important it is to have a close and honest relationship with teachers. Not only do we provide regular written reports we also think it is vital to have parent/teacher interviews to discuss progress and prospective senior schools. Our parents know that we are always happy to take a phone call or email and to offer support and advice.
We currently run morning and afternoon Saturday classes in Highgate during term time and intensive classes during the holidays.
The Plus Programme
The Plus Programme is an Alpha Plus Group’s comprehensive early learning programme designed and run by expert early years teachers.
Twice weekly learn-and-play sessions are held at:
* St Anthony’s Nursery next to Golders Green for children aged 18-36 months.
*Rolfe’s Nursery School (W10), hosts a separate group for children aged 6 -18 months, and its own 18-24 month group.
Plus is open to all, regardless of whether you are registered for a place at an Alpha Plus Nursery or school. The team knows how important these early experiences are and are committed to supporting families as the little ones take their first steps within education. The programme also runs in Chiswick and Kent.
The Plus programme includes:
* Twice weekly 60-minute face-to-face learn-and-play sessions for parent/carer and child to attend together
* Twice weekly virtual learn-and-play sessions
* Bespoke activities to learn through play at home, designed by our early-years-teachers
* Fortnightly talks and Q&A sessions from specialist guest speakers as part of an exclusive parenting programme
* Access to advice from experienced early years teachers
Nannies, grandparents, and other caregivers also accompany children at Plus. The programme is designed for the child’s whole support network to gain further skills and knowledge through our guided learn-and-play sessions, targeted activities, and bespoke advice.
To find out more, book a call or make an enquiry here.
“It’s the highlight of my week: I can take an hour out of my own busy schedule and spend some time with my child. I find it very therapeutic.”
Excel Early Years Services provides Right brain Education Programme and Abacus coaching for children.
Highlights of Right Brain Education Programme - Right Brain Education Programme for 1 year to 6 years.
· Speed Reading
· Speed Listening
· Mass memorisation
· Photographic memory
· Improved concentration
· Enhanced creativity
· Critical Thinking
Highlights of Abacus - Abacus is for 4 to 11 years old children.
· Improves Concentration
· Improves observation and listening skills
· Enhance Visualization and Imagination
· Boost creativity
· Speed and accuracy
· Increase Self confidence
· It builds strong academic foundation
Contact – 07842369915
Tutor Your Child
We are Sue and Maryanne, and together we started Tutor Your Child to help support parents and children through the education maze.
We have created a simple, structured tutoring programme with different packages in maths and/or
English from Reception to the end of Year 6, depending upon your child’s needs:
Curriculum Steps Programme – Weekly tutoring video, estimated one hour per subject, supporting work at three levels, working through the curriculum step-by-step, including regular assessments to check progress and understanding. Videos are aimed at both parent and child watching the video so parents can help support if needed.
Refresher Programme – Eighteen summarised tutorials for maths and English for each year group, supporting three levels of work. This will help recap on learning, find any gaps, and prepare your child for their next school year.
Bundles – ‘Bundles’ of lessons for specific topics to practise where your child has a gap in their knowledge or just needs to boost their practise to increase confidence.
Maths Learning Packs – Containing equipment and posters to support your child’s learning in their year group.
Starting School – Nine videos to explain how you can prepare your child for starting school.
Academic and Learning Needs Assessment – Both are provided with a full written report.
Wellbeing Zone – We are both passionate about self-esteem and mental health in children. You will find activities and ideas to support your child in our wellbeing zone.
For more information, please see our website and follow us on Instagram ‘tutoryourchild’.
Specific enquiries or advice, please contact Sue or Maryanne by email or by telephone on
07506 826159