Pregnancy Related Classes
Yoga Babies
Yogababies was born in 1999 and has taught over 1000 women helping them through pregnancy, birth and the transition to motherhood. I am a mum of 2 and, knowing the change children bring to our lives understand the importance of supporting and nurturing women and their partners.
Having had a yoga birth with my son I was faced with a life-saving elective caesarean for my daughter. I see both of my births as gifts, and both have enhanced my teaching to support women in whatever birth choice they make (or that their baby chooses). I specialise in working with women from 13 – 42 plus weeks, from first timers to experienced mums, and to mums who come with a fear from a past birth as well as prep for a VBAC birth. I will teach you amazing breathing techniques to help you prepare for your birth as well as fabulous moves to support and reduce PGP (pelvic girdle pain), back pain, swelling and so much more. Then there are birthing sessions aimed at giving your birth partner practical tips to help support you during your pregnancy and birth.
Why not come and try a class … Royal Free Recreation Club, Fleet Road,
NW3. Booking is essential via
Yogababies also offers 1:1 classes in your home, postnatal support, breastfeeding support, baby massage, baby yoga as well as yoga for children with special needs. There is even a Sunday night Necks, Backs and Relax Class … come and find out more ��