Top tips to enter a NEW DECADE with power and flow!
Less than two weeks to go and we will be in a whole new decade.
Most likely you are going from party to party, organising children’s present and you may all well be feeling a tad overwhelmed too. At least, that’s what clients tell me.
2010-2019 has been everything but eventless. Natural disasters (tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes), political conflicts (let’s not go there) and financial crises.
We are survivors, to say the least. So what are we expecting for 2020.
I could look into a crystal ball, make predictions or, invite you all to set intentions for the months to come. If you are new to me, allow me to share that I am a strong believer in cocreating our reality. And by this I mean, all that we experience in our immediate reality is a reflection of our inner world.
So all of our collective experiences, beliefs, conscious and subconscious programming influence our world.
So if you wish to leave a legacy, have an impact on this world, the number one thing you can do is to change your inner world which will impact your outer reality.
Are you with me so far?
IF you feel that life is a struggle, there nothing you can do and you are just “unlucky” stop reading now.
If you understand the power of intentions keep going. 😀
Today is the time to start thinking about your new goals for 2020.
Now, you may have done it in the past, or you may have heard or met from people for whom intentions didn’t really work out.
Well, let me give you a tip here.
In order for your wishes to come through this is one important secret:
Apply the Lessons of Last Year to the New Year
Consider how many mistakes you make each year. Now, imagine if you could learn from them and avoid repeating them. It’s not just your mistakes. It’s also all the things you tried that didn’t work, and the things you saw other people try that didn’t work.
You also did a few things that worked out. You might want to apply all of this knowledge you gained to this coming year.
After doing this for several years, your life would be pretty spectacular!
Since you’re learning so much each year, why not put it to good use? Unfortunately, we don’t change our behaviours very much from year to year. Commit to making this year different.
Here is how:
Apply the lessons of the past to the future:
1. Take a few days to review the last year.
What did you learn, both positive and negative? What mistakes did you make? What were your biggest wins?
Do you see a pattern to any of your mistakes? Can you see that many of your challenges are caused by committing the same mistakes year after year?
Now, consider your friends and family. What challenges did they face? What were their successes? What can you learn from them?
Take the best and the worst from your past and learn from them. Make use of that information to enhance your life.
2. Find alternatives to your least effective actions.
Maybe you procrastinate too much or consistently show up to work late. What are the changes you want to make in the coming year?
3. Identify those behaviours that support your success.
Perhaps you made your spouse feel loved and lost 25 pounds. Those are behaviours that you might want to repeat.
4. Create new habits. Choose habits that will counteract your less-effective behaviours and ensure your positive behaviours occur more frequently.
Using our examples:
Procrastination: Take immediate action when you know something needs to be done. Remind yourself of the pain procrastination has caused in the past and imagine how amazing it will feel to complete the task.
Late to work: Place your alarm on the other side of the room so you’re forced to get out of bed. Choose your clothes the night before. Commit to leaving the house in plenty of time.
Spouse: Spend 15 minutes each day doing something nice for your spouse. Remind yourself of what you love about them.
Lost 15 lbs: Continue making healthy food choices and working out three times each week.
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5. Monitor yourself.
If you’re not careful, you’ll quickly slip back into your old patterns of behaviour. Change is challenging, and you can expect to face a lot of internal resistance. Avoid being too hard on yourself when you slip. Just vow to redouble your efforts going forward! This step becomes super easy when you work with your healer or coach (just saying! 😍)
6. Celebrate your successes.
When you apply what you’ve learned from last year, you can expect some great things to happen. Appreciate them and be proud of yourself. This is the best way to ensure good things keep happening.
Reinforce your behaviour by feeling good about yourself. (Do you know that most people resist this step and tend to brush successes off. Don’t do it to yourself, there is nothing to gain from feeling miserable)
You’ve faced some tough times in the past. Take advantage of those challenges! You’ve had some good times, too. Repeat them in the future. Your past is the key to your future. Take what you’ve learned and leverage that experience going forward. It would be a shame to repeat your mistakes in the future.
You can have the best year of your life, but not if you fail to learn from your past experiences. Your results have lessons to teach. Are you paying attention?
If you need a little nudge trust that the Solar Eclipse on December 26 will do just that.
From an energetic point of view, eclipses are portals that open up, allowing us to deeply transform. If we have been dragging our feet, eclipses often unleash events and situations that will take us there (whether we want it or not).
If this is you, trust that ultimately it is for your own soul’s growth.
My advice though, is to work on yourself and growth at a pace that you manage.
On 12 January 2020 we have the super potent planetary alignment: Saturn/ Pluto conjunction. You probably have heard of it already, if you haven’t, trust that whether you believe in the magic of the stars or not, you will notice big shifts happening in the world.
Alex V, Breathing Heart Coaching. Hampstead Resident
For more guidance on personal development, empowerment and cosmic attunement follow me on Instagram @breathingheartcoaching or at
I invite you join my private facebook group where you can share your intentions and lessons, together we can amplify the wishes. 🔥🔥🔥