Hampstead Hive Member Spotlight - Natasha Mahtani

Tell us about your business, what services do you offer?

I started my business because I recognised the impact that divorce had on women and the stigma and sense of failure that is still very much attached to divorce. Having been through it myself and come out the other side, I understand the emotions and the feelings associated with divorce. I was a life coach for many years before I went back to do further training and qualified as an accredited divorce coach. I work with women both pre and post divorce to cut through their cultural conditioning and create a new identity and a life they're excited about. I also have a great network of financial advisors, family lawyers, a reiki master and a personal trainer that my clients can access. I'm not an advocate for divorce but if someone chooses to get divorced then I want to ensure they thrive.

What inspired you to start your business?

When people experience divorce, the emotions and feelings are similar to those experienced when a loved when passes. The grief cycle is the same. Yet, we don't get the same support with divorce and most women stay in the anger part of the cycle for a long time. This can be crippling and trickle down in to other aspects of their lives. I want women to feel supported and loved and know there is light at the end of tunnel, sooner than they think.

How long has your business been running for?

My coaching business has been going for about 5 years and the divorce coaching side of it has been 2 years.

What is your favourite aspect about working in the local area?

I love the sense of community Hampstead has. London is a big city but Hampstead manages to have a very village feel about it which I love. I feel the same about Primrose Hill which is where I live.

Where do you see yourself and your business in five years time?

Like most budding entrepreneurs, I have big ideas for my business. I want to make an impact on as many people as possible, globally. I currently have clients from Hong Kong to California and love the way the world is changing and how Zoom is making coaching so much more accessible. I am in talks with a domestic abuse charity to see how I can support women who come to them as this is something close to my heart. Finally, I have every intention of writing a book in the next 5 years!

What encouraged you to join Hampstead Hive and what has your experience been like so far within the Hive?

I am a huge believer in women supporting women, I always have been, and I love what Hampstead Hive is doing for the community and what it stands for. I'd like to think I have a very abundant mindset and so I know that helping another doesn't take anything away from me, in fact it often gives me more. My experience has been great, I recently collaborated with another HH member and we launched a 10 week online course. When women support women, great things happen.

Where can we go to find out more about your business/access your services?

I'm quite chatty over on Instagram, you can find me @natashacoaches Alternatively you can check out my website www.natashamahtani.com or email me thrive@natashamahtani.com

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