Introducing Jessica and Nitika
For those who don't know, Hampstead Mums has transitioned to new ownership. Jessica and Nitika are so excited to continue the Hampstead Mums journey.
Both Jessica and Nitika are local parents and have been long standing members of the Hampstead Mums community. Jessica has run events for Hampstead Mums for a number of years and has been running the Facebook community for the last 18 months and Nitika has been a member of the brilliant new team of Facebook admins that began when Jessica took the reigns.
Read below a little introduction from both Jessica and Nitika, what they have planned and why they are so pleased to be a part of this wonderful community.
I have been a member of the “Hampstead Mums” community from the very beginning and have watched Diana grow a Facebook group in to a gloriously supportive and informative community. It has been a joy to watch and now I am so pleased that Diana entrusted us to move Hampstead Mums forward and continue her brilliant work.
I was so honoured when Diana approached me to take the reigns for her as she stepped away.
I have always felt a great appreciation for the community as the community has always been of great support to me.
Hi Hampstead Mums, I’m so thrilled to be here…
My name is Jessica, I am a local mum and have lived in the Hampstead area my whole life. I love raising my family here and couldn’t imagine living anywhere else.
One of the glorious Hampstead Mums “Birth Club” events that I had the pleasure of running
Some of you may remember the incredible Hampstead Mums fundraising “Spring Fayre” in 2016?
That event was put together to raise funds for the charity “Cocoon Family Support” of which I am the founder. That event summed up everything Hampstead Mums is and should be about: community, support & friendship. It was such a brilliant day and one I will be forever grateful for, that event raised enough funds to allow us to continue providing counselling services and support for a whole year!
Moving forward I can’t wait to amplify these qualities within Hampstead Mums. I will be focusing my time working on continuing to connect local parents, ensuring that community, support and friendship stays at the heart of Hampstead Mums. Thank you all for your continuing support
Jessica x
Hi Hampstead Mums, I’m super excited to be here….
My name is Nitika, I am a local mum of two boys 9 and 7 and moved to Hampstead in 2011 just before the birth of my first son. After the birth of my first son, I felt a total sense of isolation being a new mum and moving to an area I knew so little about
Joining Hampstead Mums was life changing for me, as it gave me the means to build and find meaningful connections with other mums, as well as help me navigate the scary world as a new mum. Need less to say it very quickly became my lifeline.
One of my most memorable evenings has been the “Comedy Night” arranged by Hamsptead Mums, an event that was organised to raise funds for “Cocoon Family Support”
Moving forward, I will be working to bring more fun events and workshops for the local community in the hope that we can continue to raise funds for worthy causes and build strong community relationships.
I am thrilled to be joining forces with Jessica and taking over from where the wonderful Diana has stepped down. Thank you all for the support you have shown Hampstead Mums.
Nitika x