Celebrity Etiquette – Celetiquette
I always thought that I would be so cool if I bumped in to celebrities in the neighbourhood. We live in an area that has a few famous people about so I always imagined that should I have the luck to see any that I would remain unflappable. However, the sight of James McAvoy in what would otherwise be unflattering green board shorts at the edge of Archway pool with his little one, when the siren for the wave machine was sounding did dumbfound me. I found myself trying to point him out to my then 3 year old who did not (quite reasonably) know why I was dithering. What followed was me staying completely open mouthed (not closing, cue Sebastian the crab in the little mermaid). I don’t know quite how long I remained like this. I lost sense of time. However, James sensing my disproportionate sense of feeling lucky and yet disarmed simply looked at my son next to me and gave him a smile and a little wave. Phew, time started moving again. I laughed afterwards, knowing that I had to Tiger Mother myself in to learning from my mistake. That’s all I had now. No going back.
I promised myself then and there that if I ever was to spot another celebrity, I could be cool.
Who would be the lucky famous elite I hear you cry?
None other than Martin Freeman putting his recycling out. Okay, Katie. You have got this. Don’t do a McAvoy moment. The fact that we were both fully clothed and there was no wave machine or siren helped. However, this time there was no one else anywhere around. Does it become easier to say something then? Are you helping this poor famous person be less lonely if you just treat them like any other human being and just say hello? Or does everyone do that? Quick, Katie, think, decide. COMMIT! Okay, so I just tip my head to one side and smile, quite tightly in case any words should try to escape. Martin Freeman just tipped his head to the same side and mirrored what I did. Priceless. Perfect. You God you! I have got the hang of this. Slightly unfortunate that I had to see Martin before James but you know. Actually I walk past his house a lot and I try not to fantasise about being his supporting actress in his latest film or series. I find the very best way to get over this, is just to let it happen. Like when I used to listen to Now Music tapes on my Walkman in the back of the car on long journeys when I was nine and actually performed on stage in my head.
So what is the best etiquette for spotting celebs? Or does it depend on the celeb? Or what they mean to you?
I guess they should expect people to notice them but they are just trying to get on with their own lives. However, if you do see one of your very favourite people and you are a massive fan, I believe you should go and say hello, in your own personal style.
Katie Gosling