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Camden Focus Group: PERINATAL Support with Camden Clinical Commissioning Group

  • Sheriff Centre ST James Church, Sheriff Road West Hampstead, NW62AP England (map)

Cocoon Family Support ( are co-hosting a focus group with the chair of Camden's Clinical Commissioning Group, Dr Caz Sayar.

This group is a fantastic opportunity for us to show Camden CCG that there is a demand for perinatal* support in the area.

If you have given birth in Camden in the last 5 years and experienced any of the below, we would really appreciate your support by showing up to the Focus Group. We need parents there!
- Isolation after giving birth
- Experienced the "baby blues"
- Experienced PostNatal Depression (diagnosed, or not)

Please RSVP so we can know the numbers. Tea and cake is provided FREE of charge, and children can use the Soft Play area (for FREE). You can also bring your child's dinner too, the cafe doesn't mind.

Please come and join us. We need these services in Camden, and we need the CCG to see that.


*Perinatal: Pertaining to the period immediately before and after birth. The perinatalperiod is defined in diverse ways

Earlier Event: 10 September
Fireside Chat: Balance, what's that?
Later Event: 28 September
Hampstead Mums: Self Defence. Date tbc