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Celebrating 100 years of Reiki

The Background

Reiki healing is becoming more and more common and is working it’s way to becoming a household term for those who believe in natural healing. 

Reiki is a safe, gentle, non-intrusive modality off healing the mind, body and soul discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui, a Buddhist priest in Japan in 1922.

 Reiki (RAY KEE) defined:  Ki  simply means your ‘life-force-energy’ – this is our own vital force energy, our Chi.  Rei (RAY) has been defined as ‘spiritual energy’.  Reiki healing brings your own vital force energy into alignment.  (It is not attached to any religious belief or ritual.)

When our energy is not aligned – we experience discomfort - mentally, emotionally and physically.  The healing is carried out in two ways – ‘hands-on’ where the practitioner gently lays their hands on the recipient, who is fully clothed and either sitting up on a chair or laying on a massage bed.

The second method is ‘distance healing’ – this is healing through intention, and you can be anywhere in the world, receiving healing from your chosen practitioner! (No zoom or technology required.  Think 1922.)

The practitioner works through the body from head to toe, front and back, helping the recipient’s  energy flow as it is naturally meant to.  This process dissolves ‘blockages’ which then brings back the ease, calm and comfort to the mind, to the body, and the emotions are balanced.

Who is Reiki healing good for?

Anyone.  Everyone.  Babies, children, men, women, elderly. 

When can you use Reiki healing? 

Stress.  Anxiety. Crossroads.  Major Life Changes. Bereavement.  Relationship Healing. Career Stress.  Mums. 

Men who find it hard to express themselves and who could use a release of stress and emotional baggage. 

IllnessesReiki can bring comfort to Cancer patients especially those undergoing treatments.  It helps them stay calm and be open to receiving the appropriate treatments. 

Family Planningit helps prepare the couples’ body and mind by releasing stress and negative thoughts while making space for a healthy conception.  Reiki helps the body also prepare prior to  and during IVF treatments. 

Self-confidence and Self-love

These are just some of the issues that Reiki can help heal.  When your mind, body and soul are balanced, your body begins to heal itself from within.

Does Reiki replace medicine?

NO!  Reiki can be used as a first-aid tool prior to receiving medical assistance.  Reiki complements medicine so it can be used while receiving medical assistance as well.  It is known as ‘complementary’ therapy as opposed to ‘alternative’ medicine.  As mentioned above – Reiki helps the body be calm and open to receiving the appropriate care that it requires.

How many sessions of Reiki would I need?

This depends on what we are trying to heal or release.  It is recommended to have a course of 4-6 sessions to begin with.

Can I learn to be a Reiki practitioner?

YES!  Reiki is easy to learn and has no prerequisites of being a healer.  Reiki Level 1 is a 2-day course of 16 hours where you learn the history, background and philosophy of Reiki.  Followed by the process of self-healing.  Dr. Mikao Usui believed that Reiki was primarily a journey for the individual to heal themselves and strengthen their own spiritual connection.  You then are ready to learn the techniques of healing others.

In Reiki Level 1 – you experience your own journey of healing from within, and witnessing your own energy shift, mental clarity and balanced emotion.  On Day 2 of the training, you learn how to practice Reiki on other people as well as on plants and pets.

For more information on my Reiki 1 Course :  https://allinsync.co.uk/reiki-level-i-ii-courses/

Anupa Panjabi – All in Sync with Anupa

